We would like to thank our project partners for help and support during the whole implementation of ,,A Route to Connect” project. Also, we thank all the initiatives and organizations we met during the Balkan study trip, for working with us and helping us understand and react towards the whole situation in a better, humane way.
- The Association of Service Civil International, Belgium
- Interculturele Uitwissling via Vrijvilligerswerk, Belgium
- Refugees Got Talent, Belgium
- Kansainvälinen Vapaaehtoistyö ry (KVT), Finland
- Kinisi Ethenonton Service Civil International – Hellas, Greece
- Servizio Civile Internazionale, Italy
- GAIA SCI, Kosovo
- Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID), Macedonia
- MEDesTU, Portugal
- Para Onde? Portugal
- Volonterski Centar Vojvodine (VCV), Serbia
- Service Civil International – Schweiz, Switzerland
- Clowns Without Borders
- Clown Me In
- Filantropija, Slovenia
- Cultural center ROG, Slovenia
- Are You Syrious?, Croatia
- Aid Delivery Mission
- Asylum Protection Center/Centar za pomoć tražiocima azila, Serbia
- Fresh Response, Serbia
- Refugee Aid Miksalište, Serbia
- Refugee Aid Serbia, Serbia
- No Name Kitchen
- Legis Macedonia, Macedonia
- TruckSHOP, Greece
- Refugee Accomodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza, Greece
- PIKPA Lesvos, Greece
- Mosaik support center, Greece
- Proactiva Open Arms
- Starfish Foundation, Greece
- Lighthouse Relief, Greece